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How the Swiss Payment System is Revolutionized with Instant Payment

Instant Payment is no longer a new term in the banking industry, especially with its introduction in the SEPA area, it has also become known in Switzerland. As of August 20, 2024, processing of Instant Payments will be mandatory for major banks in Switzerland. By the end of 2026, the remaining banks in the Swiss financial center are expected to follow. What are Instant Payments and what distinguishes them?

Thimo Schinagl - Jul 12, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

“Without security, there is no business in a digital world”

Cybersecurity // As Group CISO, Lukas Ruf is responsible for Information Security and Operational Risk Management at the Migros Cooperative Federation. He talks to us about measures to raise employee awareness regarding cyber risks and about Q-Day.

Dr. Lukas Ruf - Jul 2, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

“Facial recognition in public spaces needs to be discussed in society”

Privacy // With her team, Dominika Blonski, the Data Protection Officer of the Canton of Zurich, oversees data processing by public authorities and advises employees and private individuals. We talked to her about common violations, the use of AI, and the total revision of Zurich Canton's data protection law.

Dr. iur. Dominika Blonski - Jul 1, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

“There was never any plan to replace today’s cryptographic methods”

Cryptography // Thanks to much higher computing power, quantum computers can solve tasks that today’s computers cannot. The bad news: In the near future, they will be able to crack the encryption methods commonly used today. What will replace the current methods? We spoke to Marc Stöcklin, Head of Security Research at IBM in Rüschlikon, about the upcoming Q-Day.

Marc Stöcklin - Jun 28, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

Trust is the key to success

Innovator of Trust // Trust plays a key role in our networked and digital world. As an innovative and responsible provider of digital trust products and services, Swisscom is committed to increasing trust in digitalization.

Andreas Tölke - Jun 26, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

How Cyber Command benefits from the militia system

Cyber training for the Swiss Armed Forces // The Swiss Armed Forces do a lot of work on cyber and electromagnetic technology and play an important role in protecting Switzerland from attacks. When training personnel, Cyber Command also relies on the militia system.

Gregor Hofer - Jun 25, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

Empowering innovation through digital trust

Digital trust // In today’s era of omnipresent digital transformation, the importance of trust cannot be overstated. By prioritizing secure and safe technologies and responsible governance, we can build a more trustworthy digital landscape.

Matthias Bossardt - Jun 24, 2024

Special, Digital-Trust

Digital trust at ti&m: a holistic approach

Data breaches, cyber attacks, corporate misconduct: Almost every day we read about incidents that shake our confidence in the digital world. Traditional security measures and compliance standards alone are not enough to meet today’s  complex requirements. With our Digital Trust Center, we pursue a holistic approach that aligns trust, security, and technology.

Leunita Saliji - Jun 21, 2024

Special, AI

Generative AI — is the writing on the wall for Copyright?

AI & intellectual property // AI systems generate texts, images, videos, music and code. The quality is so good that the results can even be used commercially. This raises questions about copyright, both for the data used to train the AI and the output it generates.

Ioannis Martinis - May 10, 2024

Special, AI

How artificial intelligence impacts digital marketing

Digital marketing // Big data and artificial intelligence have been key elements in marketing for years now. But easy access to tools like ChatGPT and improvements in the latest version of Google Analytics are opening up new opportunities that marketers can benefit from.

Mirjam Mettler - Apr 23, 2024

Special, AI

Establishing a data and analytics organization

Data management // The exponential growth of data volumes, legal requirements, and increasing demands on cybersecurity due to more sophisticated attacks require a comprehensive data strategy that covers all bases. By setting up a data and analytics organization, companies can create a structure that takes all relevant data capabilities into account.

David Furrer - Apr 10, 2024

Special, AI

The future of blockchain interoperability

Web 3.0 // Blockchains play a key role in the ongoing development and decentralization of the internet. With “the interchain”, the Interchain Foundation in Zug is establishing an ecosystem that simplifies interoperability between individual chains through standards, thus driving the development of Web 3.0.

Mary McGilvary - Apr 1, 2024

Special, AI

Cyber risk mitigation — increasing costs or creating value?

Cybersecurity // Protecting critical data, systems and processes affects core elements of a company’s value creation chain, and is directly linked to the firm’s success. Company management teams must manage these cyber risks and be proactive in staying aware of the associated responsibilities.

Andreas Berger - Mar 20, 2024