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- uster.ch upgrade
- Container Management Platform for the City of Zurich
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- White Paper Agile Datenarchitekturen
- ti&m Special «digital banking»
- Study: Digital Wallets
- Whitepaper «True Lies about AI»
- ti&m special «digital trust»
- Swisscom Places
- ti&m special «AI»
- White paper «Cloud Migration»
- White Paper AI in Banking and Finance
- White Paper Web Accessibility
- ti&m special «digital banking»
- Data-driven Banking
- Neo core banking
- Hybrid advice
- ti&m special Future of Work
- ti&m special E-Government
- ti&m special security
- ti&m special consulting
- Insurance Trend Study 2022
- ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021
- Trend study insurance
- Press
- ti&m begins implementation of new mobile and e-banking for the banks in the ESPRIT network
- Erfolgreiches Go-live des neuen Mobile- und E-Banking der Baloise Bank AG
Neues GL-Mitglied
- Case study details how ti&m is helping VP Bank to accelerate innovation
- Swisscom Sign: the electronic signature for everyone from Swisscom uses ti&m's online identification software
- Baloise switches to ti&m's banking platform
- Best of Swiss Apps now with IT youth development award from ti&m
- e-IDAS-Zertifizierung
- Best of Swiss Apps now with IT youth development award from ti&m
- ti&m bestätigt Leaderposition im Schweizer Cloud-Geschäft
- Digital Banking Engagement Platforms Report
- Matthias Stürmer joins ti&m as new advisory board member for e-government
- ti&m erfüllt Anforderungen an Umweltmanagementsystem
- Veränderungen im Leitungsteam der ti&m: Fabian Braunwalder übernimmt den Bereich Banking und Produkte.
- ti&m onboarding solutions pass ETSI certification
- Erstes Google-Anthos-Projekt der Schweiz: ti&m baut mit der Stadt Zürich eine neue Container-Management-Plattform
- ti&m verstärkt Management- und Sales-Power für seine strategischen Themen
- ti&m unter den besten Arbeitgebern der Schweiz
- ti&m eröffnet in Düsseldorf fünfte Niederlassung
- ti&m teams up with e-signature provider Skribble for its onboarding solution
- ti&m-Trendstudie Versicherungen 2022: Cyberrisiken von Firmenkunden unterschätzt
- ti&m baut das E-Government-Geschäft weiter aus
- ti&m verstärkt Management- und Sales-Power für seine strategischen Themen
- Mehr Kreativität und tiefere Immobilienkosten
- ti&m und die main incubator streben Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Self-Sovereign Identity an
- ti&m card management – ti&m rüstet Banken gegen Fintech-Konkurrenz auf
- Neuer Beirat: Jürg Stuker bringt noch mehr Customer Experience in die ti&m
- Trendstudie Banken 2021: Neobanken setzen Schweizer Banken unter Druck
- Liferay zeichnet ti&m als Platinum Partner aus
- ti&m verstärkt strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Magnolia
- ti&m investiert stark in die Erweiterung der Digital Banking Suite
- In weniger als fünf Minuten zum neuen Bankkonto
- ti&m verstärkt Verwaltungsrat mit Johannes Höhener
- Impressum
- Data Protection
- Blog
- “This year, we are focusing on introducing the ti&m banking solution”
- At the dawn of an IT revolution: From instruction-based to intention-based computing
- MoMo is the new Micro
- Promoting collaborative business intelligence with Open Datastack
- “The e-ID is a crucial building block for Switzerland’s digital transformation”
- “Our CHFD stablecoin will lead to the development of new use cases”
- New mobile and e-banking as the basis for next-generation customer interaction
- “Those who are already exploring the e-ID will have a competitive advantage in 2026”
- E-ID: a knowledge-based environment and adaptation by companies are crucial
- How ti&m creates digital trust
- AI — a matter of trust?
- Who is looking at whom?
- Digital trust and data exchange in the housing ecosystem
- The psychology of cybersecurity: Understanding and minimizing human risks
- “It's great that ti&m gives me the freedom to pursue competitive sports”
- How Self-Defense Classes Improve the Lives of Women in Refugee Camps
- “IT companies are the main driver of innovation for banks”
- How the Federal Office for Cyber Security is promoting resilience
- Confidential notarial services in the digital age
- Lawyer Cornelia Stengel on the opportunities and limits of digitalization.
- Improving the resilience of IT services with SBOMs
- Transforming job profiles through infrastructure as code and AI
- Crypto as a pioneer of digital trust
- Why insurance companies need to invest in tech and data now
- Will DeFi make banks obsolete as intermediaries?
- “Facial recognition in public spaces needs to be discussed in society”
- How Cyber Command benefits from the militia system
- Digital trust at ti&m: a holistic approach
- Empowering innovation through digital trust
- How the Swiss Payment System is Revolutionized with Instant Payment
- “Without security, there is no business in a digital world”
- Trust is the key to success
- Generative AI — is the writing on the wall for Copyright?
- Establishing a data and analytics organization
- The future of blockchain interoperability
- Cyber risk mitigation — increasing costs or creating value?
- “AI is playing an increasingly important role in the music industry”
- Maximizing collaboration and productivity: The value of Teams Apps for hybrid work
- The Benefit of AI in Desk Booking
- Desk booking tools: Benefits and Challenges
- The rise of hybrid work: Benefits and challenges
- The 10 benefits of desk booking software
- Four success factors for hybrid working
- Data-driven banking: Mission data – leveraging coporate treasures
- Financial industry in transition: Time to say goodbye to account — card — credit pack
- Event sourcing: Storing events instead of discarding data
- “Digital ethics: In some contexts, we shouldn’t use autonomous systems at all”
- App to the cloud: Cloud migration
- Using your smartphone as a pen
- Language-based productivity — artificial intelligence as a copilot
- How to use AI to make the most of company data
- “When it comes to creativity, ChatGPT outperforms humans by a long stretch”
- Six reasons why you need desk booking software
- “Doing business in Singapore requires speed and agility”
- “Innovation is often just talk”
- Hybrid work: the new reality of working life – five points to keep in mind
- Promoting Innovation: Moving into the Digital Future
- One pot for everything
- What digitalization has to do with sustainability. And vice versa.
- "It's important to be a nerd"
- “Ideas are worthless in and of themselves”
- Of health-promoting bracelets and digital lifestyle coaches
- Innovation through participation
“The majority of our
range is IoT-ready” - “Digital first” and “user last”?
- The challenges Artificial Intelligence poses for cyber security
- New approaches in quality assurance
- Creating innovative ecosystems with open networks
- Large Language Models: a Game Changer
- “We need to quickly gain experience with AI and use the opportunitie that arise”
- Open by default: It’s the law
- Skills shortage: Why the right job ads and female role models matter
- Future-proof container management-platform for Zurich
- Swiss digitalization solutions for the Singapore Financial Center
- Countering uncertainties with domestic software development
- The holistic advisory solution from ti&m
- Open Banking: New developments of the ti&m Banking Integration
- Metaverse: Virtual reality or a digital dream?
- Collaboration between business and federal government strengthens cyber resilience
- New banking with blockchain – are we there yet?
- Customer advisory services in the metaverse
- Vertical integration thanks to modular neo-core banking systems
- Neo Cores vs. Legacy Cores: What lies ahead?
- An analysis on hybrid advisory solutions in retail banking
- Screen people efficiently using AI
- Why SIX’s bLink is becoming the leading Swiss open-finance platform
- Requirements engineering training at SWICA: working on the basis of a common language
New solutions need
new processes
- “Work isn’t some place you go to”
- Rethinking consulting solutions in banking
- The workplace, redefined
- «Die moderne, modulare Architektur unserer Lösungen ermöglicht eine sehr schnelle Time-to-Market»
- “Flexible working doesn’t mean longer working hours”
- Digital credentials for new ways of working
- Working in the cloud – the challenges for data protection
- SEO-Strategien im E-Commerce, die zum Erfolg führen
- A blessing for some, a curse for others
- New ways of working in public administration
- Agility within your own four walls
- “Virtual space is based on the same logic as real space.”
- Authentication vs. Authorization with OAuth, Does It Really Matter?
- Introduction to Threat Detection on Kubernetes with Falco
- Why Podman is worth a look
- MAC Token Profile: the Never-Ending Battle over Signatures
- “I want to make ti&m’s security offering even more user-friendly.”
- Why users want the right thing but do the wrong thing
- «Wir erarbeiten Lösungen, die am Markt, und nicht nur auf dem Papier, funktionieren»
- Der Geist in der Maschine
- Self-Sovereign Identity im Code Camp
- Dank Liquid Working schrittweise zurück in den Alltag
- «Die körperliche Arbeit und die frische Luft vermisse ich schon ein wenig»
- "Meine Velosammlung ist der Wahnsinn"
- «Im besten Fall erkennen Informatiker die Algorithmen hinter den Bildern»
- «Ich würde jederzeit wieder eine Auszeit machen»
- «Meine Kunst stiess auf grosses Interesse von den Mitarbeitenden von ti&m»
- Building and Managing an Ambidextrous Organization
- How can you help your employees and your business with a plan for Lifelong Learning?
- “Processing all personal data of the federal administration centrally is in conflict with our constitutional state”
- The digital state in Singapore
- How the City of Zurich is going digital
- Innovation from the garage: ti&m places
- The long road to the digital state
- Digitalizing the public sector: challenges and lessons learned
- The cloud: blessing or curse? It’s a matter of perspective
- From manual process to digital reporting platform in a few short weeks
- Wanted: People who get things done
- Why users want the right thing but do the wrong thing
- The digital transformation needs digital designers
- Sneak peek: The “ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021”
- ti&m Research: Foundation for consulting @ti&m
- VZ finance portal — more than just e-banking
- Panel discussion: How Swiss banks master digitalization
- Open banking as a business model – the implications for banks
- Moritz Baumotte will niemals auslernen
- Consulting @ti&m – coming to grips with changing technology
- Banking as a service – a completely new concept?
- “The eLounge is a crucial element in our multichannel strategy”
- An app is about more than just technology
- Innovation machine Switzerland – How can you leverage the full potential?
- To get digitalization right, you need the right products
- How SWISS banished paper from the cockpit
- To get digitalization right, you need the right products
- «Die eLounge ist ein wichtiges Element in unserer Multi-Channel-Strategie»
- Wir garantieren den Projektbetrieb zu jeder Zeit
- «Die KI ist das Kunstwerk, das Bild nur ihre visuelle Repräsentation»
- "With AI projects, you need a long breath"
- Besser mobil mit AI?
- In der Mitte wird es eng – Wie AI die Arbeitswelt und damit unser Leben verändern wird
- Keine Angst vor AI
- «Ich schätze es, dass ti&m ganz selbstverständlich Auszeiten ermöglicht»
- «Zürich bietet den idealen Nährboden für die Entwicklung von neuen AI-Technologien»
- Banken müssen ihr E-Banking neu denken
- Mongol Rally Sprint 3: Von Usbekistan bis ans Ziel
- Wir wollen uns als führenden CAS im Bereich Digital Banking positionieren
- Das war art@work 2019 in Zürich
- Ab in die Cloud – wie ti&m Helsana+ in die Cloud brachte
- « ti&m hat mich von Beginn an voll bei meiner Weiterbildung unterstützt »
- Wind of Change
- AI and the cloud – a universal panacea?
- Microsoft Inspire 2019 – get inspired by cloud
- «Auch als Künstler muss man den Bleistift mal auf die Seite tun und digital schaffen»
- «Als MVP kann ich Probleme auch in weniger als 30 Minuten lösen»
- From the hybrid cloud to the multi‑cloud – new opportunities for success
- «Dank Liquid Working kann auch ich als Manager eine Auszeit nehmen»
- «Dank Liquid Working hatte ich mehr Zeit für meine Weiterbildung»
- Smartes Loginverfahren ohne lästiges Abtippen
- “Disruption isn’t off the menu. It’s just taking a bit longer.”
- “Disruption isn’t off the menu. It’s just taking a bit longer.”
- From uncertainty factor to motivator
- «Administrative bodies also need to be designers»
- Kununu und Pro Familia Schweiz zeichnen ti&m für Familienfreundlichkeit aus
- «Eine solch grosse Flexibilität gibt es bei kaum einer anderen IT-Firma»
- Das war der Zukunftstag bei ti&m
- [OD3[4MP - A summary of the second ti&m code camp
- Bewegende Software-Architektur: Wie funktioniert Architekturarbeit in agilen Vorhaben?
- Starke digitale Identität für Start-ups
- In agiler Mission zum Mars
- Wo ist WaITer?
- "Standardfragen können auswendig gelernt werden, ein Gespräch nicht."
- "Halt, halt, halt! Das sind alles wichtige Informationen!"
- ti&m auch in Frankfurt auf Wachstumskurs
- On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Dog – Identification with OpendIDConnect, the Prelude to Unique OAuth Authorization
- Become a Digital Ambassador
- Digitales Aikido in der Finanzindustrie
- How Does HCE Address the EMV Goals?
- Warum Robo Advisor an Sparkonten scheitern
- Eine neue Möglichkeit der Art Direction bei responsiven Bildern
- HackZurich: This Is How 565 Techies Spent the Weekend
- What Can Small Businesses Gain from Data Analytics?
- Wird der Zero Moment of Truth von Versicherern berücksichtigt?
- The End of All Projects, or: Taking Agile to the Next Level
- More with LeSS: An Interview with Cesario Ramos
- I do not love you
- Wie „Joy“ das Einkaufserlebnis revolutionieren wird
- Lazy Angular: Writing Scalable AngularJS Apps
- Authentication Is Good, Trust Is Better. What About Trusting Delegated Identity?
- Sneak peek: The “ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021”
- “The future does not just come – it is made. And it is made by us!”
- “AI only works with a strong business case”
- Beschleunigt die Corona-Krise die Digitalisierung der Schweizer Banken?
- AI und UX Design - eine neue Liebe mit Herausforderungen
- SHIP – the future of communication in Swiss health care
- Why the financial sector should invest in SEO – and our top SEO tips
- Erfolgreiches SEO mit dem Magnolia CMS
- Digitalization, done safely!
- Who will win the Hybrid Multi-Cloud War?
- When the door checks who goes in and out all by itself
- Agile Frameworks – Eine Übersicht
- The digital transformation is changing customer behaviour and expectations
- Kubernetes vs. OpenShift
- Wie Roboter die digitale Transformation beschleunigen können
- The private cloud for public institutions
- Quick Guide to Successfully Becoming Agile
- Digitalisation calls for Agile strategy processes
- One step closer to the digital future with SHIP
- “Digitalization that bypasses citizens leads to action for the sake of it”
- Agile procurement and procurement of agile projects
- Setup eines Maven-basierten Multi-Modul-Build
- Why digital customer identification is essential for survival
- Digitalization is business
- SSI - The Digital Identity Card
- Successful digitalization requires holistic strategies: Consulting @ti&m
- How to use single sign-on as an authentication solution for microservices
- 7 simple steps to successful SEO with the Magnolia CMS
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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The Innovation Ranking 2025 ranks ti&m among the most innovative companies in Switzerland: ti&m is among the top 10 in the categories ‘Top 150 innovators in Switzerland’ and ‘Innovation culture’.
Discover our awards
The Innovation Ranking 2025 ranks ti&m among the most innovative companies in Switzerland: ti&m is among the top 10 in the categories ‘Top 150 innovators in Switzerland’ and ‘Innovation culture’.
Discover our awards
Beyond banking: Artificial intelligence, asset tokenization, cloud, and quantum computing – in the new ti&m Special, we show what is driving the banking sector and present some of our projects for Swiss banks.
Download nowOur industry expertise includes services in the AI, banking, insurance, public, transportation, e-government, retail and industry sectors.
ti&m banking is a modular financial technology platform to deliver fulfilling banking experiences in retail, corporate and private banking.
Our industry-specific solutions combine years of industry experience with technological expertise and can be tailored to meet your company's specific needs.
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Exciting roles on IT projects, extraordinary events and countless benefits all await you at ti&m. Apply now and surf with us!
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